Zircon Stone: A Gemstone With Healing & Spiritual Properties - Gem Mines

Zircon Stone: A Gemstone With Healing & Spiritual Properties

Zircon Stone: A Gemstone With Healing & Spiritual Properties

Zircon stone is one of the oldest minerals we can find on earth i.e., approximately 4.4 billion years old. Thus, this stone can say a lot about the history and evolution of the planet Earth. Zircon stone can be colorless, yellow, green, red, brown, or even blue. Primely zircon consists of zirconium and silicon but other availability of a variety of colors is due to the presence of a variety of impurities or the radiation damage in the crystal structure. Zircon is very popular for its variety of colors. Especially, for the jewellery. In astrology, zircon is the gemstone of Venus. It is believed that it enhances brilliance and helps to balance chakras. Due to its popularity among jewelers and its significance in astrology, sellers often heat treat it to enhance its colors.

However. Heat-treated zircon is not as effective as the original and untreated zircon. Zircon is also called tursava in Hindi. Due to zircon’s beauty and benefits buyers are always fascinated to buy zircon gemstone. Thus, this blog will give you a complete idea about the zircon stone and how you should use it and a lot more relevant information. So, what are you waiting for, let’s begin.

What are the benefits of Zircon Stone?

Zircon stone benefits involve many aspects regarding your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. In this section, we’ll discuss more about zircon stone benefits in detail and you may have a clear idea about why you should buy zircon stone. Here are the benefits listed for your easy reading and elaborated alongside.

  • Zircon stone enhances the brilliance and energies of other gemstones, and thus it is used as a supportive gemstone with other gems in jewelry.
  • One of the prime benefits of zircon stone is that it helps balance the chakras to align them with the energy of the universe. Chakras are different energy points of our body and thus, their alignment is directly associated with our health. Different colored zircon is connected to the different chakras.
  • Red zircon is associated with Muladhar chakra which represents the connection to the earth and our survival instincts.
  • Similarly, Orange zircon enhances Svadhisthan chakra which is associated with our creativity and emotional expression.
  • Yellow zircon boosts Manipur chakra, which is associated with our personal power and self-confidence.
  • Green zircon empowers the Anahat chakra which is associated with love, compassion, empathy, and healing properties.
  • Blue zircon energizes the Vishuddha chakra and thus, improves communication skills, expression, and creativity.
  • Indigo zircon builds up the energy of Aagya Chakra or Ajna Chakra which is connected with our intuition, insight, imagination, and psychic abilities.
  • Violet zircon brightens up the Sahasrara chakra which is located above the crown of the head. Therefore, it is associated with spiritual awareness, enlightenment, and connection with the supreme divine.
  • Zircon stone has healing and protection benefits related to our physical and emotional health. Therefore, it can heal digestive issues, and other issues associated with your stomach or around the stomach area.
  • Zircon stone strengthens the immune system and heals respiratory problems.

As we have discussed, different zircon color is associated with different chakras, and thus, zircon has multiple benefits to us related to our mental, physical and emotional, and spiritual stability. Therefore, zircon brings positivity to your life by removing negativity. However, one should keep in mind that there is always a good and bad side to everything. Zircon is no different. In the next section, we’ll discuss the side effects of zircon so that you stay careful while wearing it and always take an astrologer’s advice if you need to wear a zircon stone or not.

Side Effects of Zircon Stone

Zircon stone is very beneficial but there are certain zircon stone side effects that you should be aware of. We have discussed zircon stone side effects in detail below:

  • Allergic Reaction: it is observed that some people may have allergic reactions to zircon minerals and thus, can cause irritation, rashes or itching. Therefore, if you feel any allergic reactions from zircon stones, consult a doctor, immediately.
  • Radiation: Zircon stone may contain impurities of uranium or other radioactive materials that can emit radiation over time. It distorts the appearance of the stone. Automatically it can affect the health of the wearer. Therefore, avoid buying metamict zircon stones. They usually have a cloudy appearance.
  • Confusion with other stones: Zircon is often confused with a similar stone, cubic zirconia which is a synthetic diamond simulant. It is a cheaper and less durable stone and has different optical and physical benefits.
  • Overstimulation: One of the astrological side effects of zircon is that it can overstimulate your energy when you wear it for a longer duration or without proper guidance. Thus, in such cases instead of balancing the chakras, it misaligns them.
  • Misalignments with metal: If you wear zircon with incompatible metal or stone then it can misalign the aura of the stone. Therefore always consult your astrologer before weaning zircon stone.

Hope, these side-effects might help you to understand that all stones are not for always you and one should take proper guidance before wearing them. Otherwise, instead of giving the benefits, it can cause problems for you.

Zircon stone price in India

Now comes the very important aspect – Zircon stone price in India. Any person who wants to buy or wear zircon stone must be curious about the zircon stone price in India. Don’t worry! As we are providing you with the right information about zircon stone in this blog then, how can we leave this section untouched?

The first thing you should keep in mind is that zircon stone price in India depends on several factors, such as the quality, color, design, carat weight, and the origin of the stone. Usually, the price of zircon gemstones ranges from ₹ 300 to ₹ 10,000 per carat. However, this price can vary a lot depending on the factors which we have discussed below:

  • Quality: The quality of zircon stone is judged by its clarity, luster, and color. All these factors are directly related to the price. Among all other colors of zircon, colorless, zircon, and red color zircon are the most valuable.
  • Cut: The shape and proportion of the zircon stone also influence the price of the stone. The most popular cuts of zircon stone are round, oval, marquise, and princess. It is understandable that if the cut is complex then the price of the stone will be higher as well.
  • Carat weight: Carat weight of the zircon influences the price. Larger and heavier zircons are usually expensive. However, cut of the stone is also important while considering the carat.
  • Origin: Sri Lanka & Cambodia are most popular for the best Zircon stone in the world. Origin automatically influences the price because stone coming from the prime place is more valuable than other origins.

Hope this information will help you to judge the price of zircon stone when next time you’ll buy it or somebody will give you a price at a store. Also, consider that if there is government lab certification is provided with that gemstone or not. And the certificate should be verifiable as well.

Zircon stone-wearing finger

After knowing all, there might be some queries in your mind regarding how you should wear zircon or which is zircon stone wearing finger. In this section, we’ll give precise information about zircon stone-wearing fingers, i.e. in which finger the effect of zircon is maximum or prescribed by the astrologers.

Astrologers suggest that zircon should be worn on the little finger. The little finger represents relationships, communication, and intuition. Therefore wearing zircon on your little finger can improve your marital and business relationships. It helps you express your words betters and empowers your intuitions so that you can trust them without doubting positive outcomes. Although a little finger is best for wearing zircon stone there is some specification accordion to gender. It is suggested that males should wear it on their right-hand little finger whereas females should wear it on their left-hand little finger.

However, there are different opinions about which hand’s little finger you should wear zircon stone because some suggest that both genders should wear it on their left-hand little finger. The reason people put behind this is that the left hand is associated with the subconscious mind and thus influences desires and emotions. Therefore, whenever you are going to wear zircon stone take suggestions from your astrologer and do as they suggest you.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is zircon stone good for?

As discussed before zircon is a stone that has many benefits for our physical and mental well-being. It helps you enhance your energy and helps you to manifest your desires. It also attracts positive people into your life and removes negativity from your life.

Is Zircon an expensive stone?

Zircon is not as expensive as other precious stones such as diamonds, ruby or sapphire. However, it is still a very valuable stone for astrology and thus more expensive than artificial stone. In the blog, we have already discussed the factors which influence the price of a zircon stone, which may be helpful to answer this question in detail.

Which Rashi can wear zircon?

Zircon stone can be worn by anyone who wants to take its benefits. In Vedic astrology, zircon is a substitute for diamond, which represents Venus. Therefore, if you have Venus as your ruling planet then you can wear zircon stone to enhance the benefits of it. It means people with Rashi Virshabha and Tula can wear zircon stones.

Is Zircon a real gem?

yes, zircon is a real gemstone that occurs naturally in the earth’s crust. It is not a synthetic stone such as cubic zirconia. Zircon is composed of zirconium and silica and has a variety of colors naturally available in the natural due to the impurities present in the composition.


We can conclude that zircon is one the naturally occurring gemstone which is very valuable for manifesting reality in your life if you cannot go for expensive diamonds because zircon carries the same benefits as diamonds in astrology. We also discussed the price and how you can judge the right zircon and save yourself from getting bluffed by the sellers. We feel that this blog might have given you complete information about zircon stones and will be helpful for you to buy the right zircon for you yes one of the right places to buy authentic gemstones is GemMines. Shop Today!


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Cubic Zirconia (Ghanaakaar Gomedaatu)

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